Pride started in 2019 as part of the inaugural season of the Premier. Speakers: Rick Neal, Glennon Sweeney, David Polakowski, and Joe MatessaĮntertainment: free Yoga from local studios, free class from Barre3, live DJ, Tai Chi in the Park, story time and reading tent by Cover to Cover Children’s Books, drag show by Abortia, free theatrical production by Evolution Theater, crafts and story time, decorate your bike for a bike parade, best dressed pride pet, free photo booth, community art project, and singing performance by Mary B. Columbus Pride is the first Ohio-based semi-professional womxns ultimate team. Join Rainbow UA in celebrating the first-ever LGBTQ Pride event in Upper Arlington!īooths: Stonewall Columbus, GLSEN, Kaleidoscope Youth Center, Equitas Health, flags from Trans Ohio, LGBTQ history table, free Mom Hugs / Momma Bears, League of Women Voters, Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio, Equality Ohio, Columbus Public Health, James Center for Cancer Health Equity, Ace and Aro Alliance of Central Ohio, Family Pride Network, and Lifeline of Ohio Sunday, June 13, 1-6pm, Northwest Kiwanis Park, 4840 Stonehaven Dr.